Turner Sports Launches Blocklete Games - A Blockchain Golf Game!

Blocklete Games
3 min readSep 16, 2020


You may have known us by In the Arena Sports, Arena Golf— Well we rebranded with a new name and logo!

As valued clubhouse members, we are excited to announce that we are rebranding! Our name and logo will change from In the Arena Sports to Blocklete Games.

What is a Blocklete?

A Blocklete is a Blockchain Athlete! The blockchain allows you to own the the Blocklete. The Blocklete is how you own your game. Your hard work at game play will reward your Blocklete in ability points, increasing the value of your blockchain asset.

Blocklete Golfer found only on BlockleteGames.com!

Who is Blocklete Games?

We started our journey with the name In the Arena Sports stemming from Theodore Roosevelt’s quote,

“It is not the critic who counts; not the [person] who points out how the strong [person] stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the [person] who is actually in the arena…”

This quote sung notes of inspiration to our ears because of our play to earn philosophy underlying the notion of

“it’s not about the person who buys the most-rare golfer, but rather it’s about the person who buys a golfer and plays to earn.”

With our rebrand we wanted to have the stage set front and center on our Golfer, the main way to have fun and earn value in the game.

Our new brand name allows us to amplify the Golfer and emphasize the core value of our product — the athlete. This is why we are excited to announce our new name….

Blocklete Games, A Turner Sports Owned Game

Arena Golf Rebrands as Blocklete Games

While this is a majorly awesome shift in our outward identity, our mission has not changed. We will continue to empower gamers to find value through sports games and entertainment. Our promise to you is unwavering and here’s what you can continue to expect from us:

· To be community driven and listen to you.

· To create unique assets that are collectible.

· To put mechanisms in place that will ensure fairness of play.

· To be transparent and have open communication with you.

· To provide an interoperable ecosystem that allows you to have a cross-platform experience.

As Always…

Come Play The Game Here

Buy Your Blocklete Here

Have Some Fun With Us Here



Blocklete Games

A new gaming and entertainment startup. Our mission: Empower gamers to achieve economic value through sports games and entertainment.